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The inaugural Creative Complexity Challenge has just finished and Out to Get Alex Sanders has been crowned the winners. Their victory has earned them the privilege of wearing the Complexity tag and benefiting from support the Complexity sponsors provide to our organization. This team is a talented group of players many of whom are very well known in the community. For the remainder of 2009, this team will play as Complexity and you will see them at a North American LAN event wearing the Complexity jersey in the near future. Congratulations to the latest addition to the Complexity family.
Ryan "phamtastik" Pham
Jimmy "Lin" Lin
Anthony "djibouti" Manosca
Marc "marc" Nutter
Dan "imp" Whaley
The event was a great success. Thanks to Creative and CEVO for all of the hard work and support they both provided to make this event what it was. Also thanks to DJWheat for casting. Finally thanks especially to all the teams that participated and all of the fans that watched, without you Complexity is nothing and we recognize that and appreciate you all very much. This brings the Creative Complexity Challenge to an end for 2009. We plan to hold this event again in 2010 so stay tuned to the Complexity website in the months to come for further information.