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World of Warcraft Director, Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan has decided to leave the WoW team as of yesterday. The announcement came unexpected however there is definitely good cause for the recent departure. It appears Jeff will be leading the recently announced and currently untitled MMO that Blizzard is in the works of creating. For over 6 years Jeff has lead the World of Warcraft team as their main director and will be shifting his role over to a new project.
Kaplan had this to say about the recent role switch and his tenure with the WoW team:
"I wanted to take a moment to let the community know that I've switched roles here at Blizzard to work on our upcoming, unannounced MMO. World of Warcraft has been such a central part of my life these past six and a half years, and it's success would not have been possible without the tremendous community around it, so I wanted to say thank you to all our players who've shared this amazing experience with us so far."
With the great success WoW has displayed over the last years, being a leading MMO and a game that has brought families together, friends closer and even gotten a few people hitched.. We can only expect great things from Jeff and the new MMO product.