WoW Headset Live Interview

Congratulations to Quartz, the winner of the Creative WoW Headset!

This Wednesday night, Ryan Schlieper will be be live on compLexiTV for an exclusive interview about the Creative Sound Blaster WoW Headset. For those who don't know, Ryan, also known as digitalronin, is the product manager for Creative's headset division of products.

We would like to extend the opportunity for you, the fans, to ask Ryan whatever you'd like regarding the headset by posting in this thread. You can also join us on Wednesday night to ask questions live in the chat.

The WoW Headset, is currently available for US$159.99 for the wireless and US$119 for the wired.

The interview will go live at 8PM EST, so be sure to get your questions ready.

UPDATE: Because today is Ryan's birthday (Happy Birthday!) we've decided to toss in a free WoW wired headset for the best question posted in this thread. The Creative team will choose the winner on Wednesday. Good luck!

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WoW Headset Interview
Creative WoW Headset Website Released

Purchase the headset here

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