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Congratulations to hxcguitarist, the winner of our XFX PM and Win Contest! hxcguitarist was the 5th person to PM coL|aMies on the site. Thank you to everyone who entered and congratulations to the winner!
Today, in partnership with XFX, we would like to announce our XFX PM and Win Contest! As always, the rules are simple but the prize is huge, featuring an amazing ATI Radeon™ HD 4890 video card! We'll be using the compLexity Twitter so if you're not a follower, be sure to sign up today!
Imagine the experience created by pairing the most lethal—and powerful—weapon the industry has to offer with “Hawx,” the most exciting new flyboy game to hit the small screen in 2009.
This card is designed to maximize the latest DirectX 10.1 games—like the amazingly optimized “Hawx,” with extreme HD resolutions, high-performance anisotropic filtering and 24x customer filter anti-aliasing. So what does this mean for you? The most realistic dogfights ever. Unprecedented gaming. And an unparalleled Blu-ray movie experience complete with full 1080p display resolution.
Whether you’re a power lover, a speed demon, or want an immersive entertainment experience, the XFX Radeon™ HD 4890 is positively lethal. And absolutely hits the target.
1) Follow our Twitter Account
2) Post your twitter username in this thread.
3) Wednesday evening we will post a message (on our Twitter) that includes an XFX code
4) Send a message to coL|aMies on the site including the code.
The 5th person to respond with the provided code will win the XFX ATI Radeon™ HD 4890 video card! The winner's original message will be responded to and announced on this page.
Thanks as always for your support! Enjoy the contest and good luck!
compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (contest!) entertainment!