Youtube Changes!

After 11 years, we are happy to announce that we will be retiring the compLexityInsider Youtube handle in favor of something more consistent with our existing properties. Starting today, you can now subscribe to us at compLexityGaming on Youtube! The channel will continue to feature the same great content you've come to expect over the last decade, along with exciting new series such as our behind-the-scenes "compLexity: POV" series and game highlight videos!

Believe it or not, compLexity was around before Youtube. In our early years, our world famous movies needed to be uploaded to servers so our fans could download the files. We crashed many servers in those days. Youtube was a very welcome addition to our internet efforts. First, we had "compLexiTV" which was a play on 'compLexity' plus 'TV.' We then added "compLexityINSIDER" in 2007 as a channel devoted to insider views of our gaming family. Eventually it became our only channel. After 11 years we're happy to simplify our Youtube URL with this change. Thanks to Youtube for the help and welcome to!

- Jason Lake, Founder & CEO

As always, thanks for your support!

@compLexity | compLexityGaming | compLexityGaming

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