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Two of the new stars of compLexity Counter-Strike have been interviewed by Gotfrag. Justin "sunman" Summy and David "zid" Chin sat down with Bobby "Weenus" Hicks to discuss the recent news and the ESEA-i Invite.
Did you personally have any reservations to coming back to the Complexity brand after your history with the team?
Not really, I was excited to come back to play under the coL name as long as my team wanted to as well, and here we are.
Is this Complexity just by name, or does this feel like the same kind of organization that you helped build up years ago?
Behind the scenes feels the same so far, only time will tell once we start attending tournaments, which is what we are all looking forward to the most.
There is a group in the community that feel your lineup is under performing thus far, while I think both of us know you have a lot of top end potential, do you feel at all undeserving of the opportunity to become Complexity's flagship team when you're still working off the 1.6 rust?
When the old coL lineup came back to 1.6 they had some adjustment time if I can remember. We all started playing together 2 weeks ago so I think just a little bit more time untill we become rust free. Things are coming along really well so far with just a few days of practice though. I think we all as players deserve it, and we plan to prove that we deserve it too.
You can read the entire article here.