#coLofDuty @ MLG Anaheim 2016

Today, compLexity #coLofDuty begins their run through the MLG Anaheim 2016 event! Held at the Anaheim Convention Center on June 10-12, the event will feature up to 96 amateur teams and 12 North American CWL teams competing head-to-head in Call of Duty: Black Ops III for $100,000 Prize Pool and 10,000 CWL Pro Points. The Anaheim Open will be one of the key events where players can earn CWL Pro Points for a chance to qualify for the Call of Duty Championship, which will take place this year.

Are you at the event? Be sure to hit up the compLexity booth for giveaways, play sessions and more!

Booth Schedule

(Subject to Availability)


2 PM: Doors Open
3 PM: Meet and Greet
4 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration
6 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration
8 PM: 1v1 w/ the Pros


11 AM: Meet and Greet
12 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration
1PM: 1v1 w/ the Pros
2 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration
3 PM: Raffle
4 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration


11 AM: Meet and Greet
12 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration
1PM: 1v1 w/ the Pros
2 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstrationo
3 PM: Raffle
4 PM: Dr. Caitlin McGee Demonstration


Open Bracket

  • Double Elimination Bracket
  • Best of 3 Series
  • Top 4 teams qualify for Pool Play

Group Play

  • Best of 5 Series
  • Group Play standings determine seeding for Championship Bracket

Championship Bracket

  • Double Elimination
  • Best of 5 Series

Game Types and Maps

Included maps and modes:

  • Hardpoint: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Stronghold
  • Search and Destroy: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Hunted, Infection, Redwood, Stronghold
  • Uplink: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Infection
  • Capture the Flag: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Stronghold



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