DreamHoN Online Summer Championships: Redemption

DreamHoN Online Summer Championships: Redemption

The top 16 teams from the DreamHoN Online Summer Championships (DHSC) have been invited to participate in a 3 week tournament that has a prize pot of $7,000 cash as well as invitation, travel stipend of $4,000 and accommodation in Jonkoping, Sweden for DreamHack Winter 2012.

The prize distribution is $4,000 plus the invite to DreamHack for first place, with second getting $2,500 and 3rd with $500. As compLexity.HoN has already won their invite and accompanying stipend/accommodation, they will not be allowed to double up on this. Therefore in the event of a coL.HoN victory in this tournament, the team will only receive the cash prize.

The tournament begins today with compLexity.HoN taking on Q sQuad 357 in their first match of the group stage. The match will begin at 3:00 PM EST (21:00 CET) and will be played in a best of 3 format. The team will look to continue their strong run under the compLexity banner.

Check out the group's for the first stage of the tournament:

Time: 3:00 PM EST / 21:00 CET
Format: Best of Three (Twice)

The matches will be broadcasted live on honcast:

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