Drewbie’s Terran vs Protoss Build Order on G4’s TheFeed

BY Andrew Miesner / July 15, 2011

compLexity’s own Drew “Drewbie” Moysey has been featured on G4’s TheFeed with an instructional Terran vs Protoss build order video.

Drewbie covers the following steps:

  • At 10 supply build a Supply Depot
  • At 12 supply build a Barracks
  • At 14 supply send another SCV to scout the Protoss’ base
  • At 15 supply upgrade your Command Center in to an Orbital Command Center
  • At 16 supply build a Supply Depot
  • At 18 supply build a Command Center at your expansion
  • Once you have 150 minerals upgrade your Command Center in your expansion into an Orbital Command Center
  • At 20 supply build a Bunker
  • Stop Marine production after four Marines to get your second, third, and fourth Barracks up faster
  • Constantly pump SCVs and build the Barracks as soon as you have money
  • At 22 supply build a second Barracks
  • At 23 supply build a third Barracks
  • At 23 supply build a fourth Barracks
  • At 24 supply build a Supply Depot
  • Constantly pump Marines and SCVs until your expansion’s Orbita Command Center is finished.
  • Your expansion’s Orbital Command Center should finish at about 6 minutes, use the first 50 energy on it to scan your opponents expansion.




For the original post on TheFeed, click here.


  • Drewbie’s Terran vs Zerg Instructional Video
  • Drewbie’s Terran vs Terran Instructional Video