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Let's get things started. Could you introduce yourself to the fans who may not know you and give them some information on how you got started in madden.
Well, I started playing Madden in 2001, but didn't really play it a lot until Madden '05, when online was available. In '07, after I beat this guy online who was a Philly baller, he told me I had great potential and was really good. He invited me to come out to local tournaments and give it a try.
Last year you won the the finals and took home the $50,000 prize pot. How does it feel to be back and have a chance to defend your title?
Man, it feels great to be honest, but there's still a job to be done. There has never been a back-to-back champion, so I want to make history.
A lot of the other competiors have been calling you a one year wonder. How does that make you feel and does that help motivate you at all when your playing?
Well, I'd say that those talks have calmed down since I really stepped up yet again this year. I'm one of the game's best players and no one can deny that.
You took your Madden career to a new level this year by teaming up with compLexity. What does it mean to you to be the first Madden player to be picked up by one of the top North American organizations?
I feel honored to have even been looked at by coL. It's amazing to be a part of the compLexity organization!
Your first match will be against foolio, a member of your crew. At MLG Dallas both of your losses came from within your crew and it really effected you. How have you been preparing for this big match?
I have been preparing the same as I have for any other tournament. Foolio and myself are great friends, but both competitors at the end of the day. We both want to win.
There is a lot going on this weekend In Miami, besides the tournament what are you really looking foward too.
I'm just looking forward to being in Miami. It should be fun!
Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, are there any shoutouts you would like to give?
Big shoutouts to coL for making me part of the team and to all our sponsors; XFX, Creative, PureTrak and G8!