Marvel vs Capcom 3: FoTW Released

BY Andrew Miesner / February 15, 2011

After much anticipation, Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds has finally been released to an eager public. The game, which features 19 characters from each of the Capcom and Marvel worlds, will give players the ability to play as any one of their favorite characters. MvC3 is available for both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 consoles.

Character List


  • Captain America
  • Deadpool
  • Dormammu
  • Dr. Doom
  • Hulk
  • Iron Man
  • Magneto
  • Phoenix
  • Sentinel
  • She Hulk
  • Spider-Man
  • Shuma Gorath
  • Storm
  • Super-Skrull
  • Taskmaster
  • Thor
  • Wolverine
  • X-23


  • Akuma
  • Amaterasu
  • Arthur
  • C. Viper
  • Chris
  • Chun Li
  • Dante
  • Felicia
  • Haggar
  • Hsien Ko
  • Jill
  • Morrigan
  • Ryu
  • Spencer
  • Trish
  • Tron Bonne
  • Viewtiful Joe
  • Wesker
  • Zero

The official game trailer can be found below: