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Update: The match vs Turmoil has been postponed in an agreement by both teams.
coL.cs started this match in style. They won the early pistol rounds and then they lost the first gun round. They took a commanding lead the rest of the half only losing two more rounds. They then started the second half dropping both pistol rounds to blight. They then took two more rounds and then traded a couple of rounds. They ended up with a final score of 16-8.
compLexity.cs gears up for another week of counter-strike as the seasons move on.
coL.cs will be up against in a match that was supposed to take place this past Sunday but was rescheduled. currently comes into this match as the second to last place team in CEVO, only in front of NoPression. coL, on the other hand, is the top team in CEVO. The match should prove to be a one sided affair, however coL can not let their guard down against
The match will take place on de_inferno and is scheduled to begin at 9PM EST.
Coming up on the close of the third week, coL.cs will face Turmoil, the former Gravitas Gaming. Complexity has started out strong this ESEA-Invite season, only having one loss. Every other match they have played, a team has only scored a max of eight rounds against them. With major LAN events just around the corner, every match in every league is practice that can be used to benefit the team. A win over Turmoil tonight would sit coL.cs in second place for ESEA, just behind EG.
Turmoil has had some changes this time around. They ended up being forced to move organizations after Gravitas Gaming decided to close its doors and they were forced to look for a new sponsor. They quickly found one in Turmoil and have been ready to go since they joined. Turmoil also only has one loss throughout this ESEA season. With a strong team and now a strong organization backing them, Turmoil is once again a contender for the top spot in the US.
The match will take place on de_nuke at 10 EST and 9 CST. HLTV will be provided and scorebot will be in #complexity.