The Executives #9: ROI from Sponsorships

BY Andrew Miesner / May 1, 2012


The Executives #9: ROI from Sponsorships

Complexity Gaming and Team Dignitas, in conjunction with Sound Blaster, are proud to present the ninth episode of a new live show hosted by Jason Lake and Michael O`Dell: The Executives: The Business of Gaming #9: ROI from Sponsorships.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1:00 PM EST your hosts will be joined by news anchor Patrick “Chobopeon” O`Neill to discuss the business side of recent events and sit down with Kim Rom, the Chief Marketing Officer at Steel Series.

The Executives’ goal is to educate the next generation of business leaders and facilitate an open discussion about the opportunities and challenges facing the eSports business today.

You can tune in at



VOD: All VODs will be hosted HERE.

MP3: HereiTunes

Direct MP3 RSS: Here

Official Team Liquid Thread: HERE


Future Guest Lineup (subject to change):

  • Episode 10: TBA


Always feel free to share your news, show ideas and questions with our crew.


  • Jason “1” Lake, Founder & CEO, Complexity Gaming. @coL_Lake
  • Michael “Odee” O`Dell, Founder & Managing Director, Team Dignitas. @dignitasODEE
  • Patrick “Chobopeon” O`Neill, eSports journalist and news anchor. @chobopeon
  • Simon “Sympatico” Abitbol, Stream Producer. @SympaticoTV


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