Today, compLexity.Black will compete in their first match under the compLexity banner as they take on Cognitive Gaming at 7:00PM EST for the NA Coke Zero Challenger Series.
The NA Coke Zero Challenger Series is a Challenger league that runs alongside the LCS for the entire 2014 season and a direct bridge into the LCS. Twenty teams from the Challenger ladder will be placed into five brackets of four, where the top five teams will be placed into Challenger Series #1. The teams will then play in a single elimination bracket; the top three teams from this bracket will advance into Challenger Series #2, where they will be joined by another five teams from another twenty team qualifier identical to the one for Challenger Series #1.
Teams earn points from finishes in each Challenger Series. The top six teams with the most points will compete against each other, where the top three will earn a spot in the next LCS Promotion Tournament.
Play-In 1
Challenger Series #1
coL.Black | 2 | VS | 0 | COG |
NA Coke Zero Challenger Series |