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The guys over at GotFrag have gotten an interview with Torbull, the owner of E-Sports Entertainment Association or ESEA. The interview questions range from ESEA's league to what is going to happend with Team 3D.
You were noted as saying that the launch of the ESEA League would be “online league play DONE RIGHT!” Could you clarify what you meant by that, and what you thought the ESEA League would bring that wasn’t present in North American leagues? Do you think you have succeeded so far?
We’re bringing together a lot of our previously fragmented technologies to do some cool things that have never been done anywhere in the world. All matches in ESEA League feature easy web scheduling with game servers protected by our industry leading anti-cheat Client and automated HLTVs / SourceTVs, IRC bots, box scores, statistics, & demos from every match. We want to make the match process as easy as possible for the competitors and give a lot of exciting content and statistics to fans. We had a great response from all of our Season 1 teams, so we’re very excited for Season 2 to kick off on Sunday.
You can read the rest of the interview by clicking HERE.