Evo 2009 Event Announced

To help kick-off this summer's LAN events, Evo 2009 will be going live this July bringing some of the best combat action for consoles with new release titles and some old school ones. The event starts on July 17th and will continue till July 19th and will feature the following titles:

Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter III: Third Strike
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Soulcalibur IV
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core

Evo 2009 will be in the heart of Las Vegas -- the Rio Hotel and Casino. Not only are the games listed above having tournaments, but there is also a 64-man invitational taking place for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom as well.

Keep it locked to this event, because you may even see some CompLexity action take place!

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