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The Entertainment Software Associating has just opened registration for E3 2009. This year will definitly be a "do not miss" experience with the list very impressive list of companies that will be making an appearance. CEO Michael D. Gallagher had this to say on E3 for 2009:
"With robust exhibitor sales, high attendee interest, and strong commitments from multiple industry sectors, we are going to ensure the full excitement and energy of this industry is on display."
2007 brought the first year where the event was noticably decreased with a lower participation and that followed onto 2008 with the maximum attendance only at 5000. However, this year at the Los Angeles Convention Center the tremendous in size crowd is expected to make its return with the likes of: MTV, Disney, Microsoft and Activision Blizzard and much more already on the docket.
E3 2009 will start on June 2nd and carry on till June 4th, and as previously stated at the Los Angeles Convvention Center.
Source: SK-Gaming