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ESEA League has announced that Season 3 registration is open and will kick off the first week of May. You can sign your team up for the league here. The Prize pot for TF2 is broken down as follows:
Team Fortress 2 – Total cash prize pot of $6,700
Invite Division (8 teams) - $3,850 cash prize pot:
1st Place: $2,000
2nd Place: $1,250
3rd Place: $600
Open Division - $2,920 cash prize pot:
1st Place: $1,000
2nd Place: $600
3rd Place: $420
4th Place: $300
5th Place: $180
6th Place: $180
7th Place: $120
8th Place: $120
We try to really focus on the competitors’ and fans’ experience with the League and each match across each division for every game in Season 3 will feature:
- Complete web match scheduling
- All matches played on our ESEA servers across eight locations
- Protection from our industry leading anti-cheat / config locking Client
- Helpful team of handpicked paid league Admins who are active in each community
- Complete box scores and stats for EVERY match (just as we have for pugs and scrims)
- HLTV and SourceTV demo downloads for every match within 5 minutes of matches finishing
- Automatic live HLTV and SourceTV for every match (unlimited number of spectators)
- Automatic live irc scorebots for every match
- Automatic POV demo recording
- You build your permanent league record
The prize pot for each game is broken down based on the support from each community, Premium memberships, and pug activity. We will continue to grow Team Fortress 2 prize pots in subsequent divisions as the community grows with us.
You don’t want to miss ESEA League Season 3 so be sure to register your team as space is limited for each division!
Source: ESEA