PG2: coL.TF2 vs. wienerdogs


Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad took on wienerdogs in the ESEA-o Playoffs Roud 1 match on cp_granary. During the first round compLexity rushed and capped all three points picking up the first point in the game. Shortly after, team wienerdogs attempted to take over the middle control point from compLexity but they were unsuccessful. coL pushed up and capped the remaining two control points picking up another point in the game. Without hesitation, coL once again pushed back team wienerdogs back to their spawn. Wienerdogs had no choice but to defend their last control point. Reptile and oPlaid clearled the area and went for the cap of the last point on the RED side. During the next round compLexity rushed again and picked up another point in the game. The score was 4-0 in favor of coL during the first half.

During the second half, wienerdogs took over the middle control point. Shortly after, coL was close taking back the middle control point but team wienerdogswent after coL's second to last control point. coL quickly cleared the area and took over all three control points ending the game 5-0 in favor of compLexity. Good game to team wienerdogs.


Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad is set to take on team wienerdogs(former no pulse gaming) in ESEA-o Playoffs Round 1 on map cp_granary. compLexity has a record of 6-2-0 in ESEA-o and is currently ranked #3. Team wienerdogs also has a record of 6-2-0 in ESEA-o but they are ranked #6 in ESEA-o. compLexity picked up their first win this season from wienerdogs 5-2 on cp_granary. Tonight's match could be an easy win for the coL.TF2 squad. The winner of tonights match will advance onto round 2 on cp_badlands. The match time is at 10:30 PM EST. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!

Season 2 - TF2 Open Division Playoff Bracket

SourceTV: Announced
Scorebot: #compLexity

  • 4
  • 1
  • 0
  • 5
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
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