ESWC Teams Announced

ESWC has just released the list of teams that they have personally selected for each individual game in the ESWC World Final 2010 to be hosted at Disneyland Paris. Teams were selected based on accomplishments and international competitions. ESWC has decided to invite these specific teams to make up for the lack of national qualfiiers for the specific region.

The list of teams are as follows:


evil Geniuses (US)
Playing Zone (FI)
mTw (DK)
compLexity (US)
Wemade Fox (KR)
Alternate (DE)
Kaos (NL)


Fnatic (SE)
Aurora Gaming (DK)
Thermaltake (DE)
blith gaming (US)
mibr (BR)
Asus Ladies (CZ)
Delinquent Habits (GR)

Defense of The Ancients :

Blight Gaming DotA (SE)
Nirvana.International (US)
Meet Your Makers (DK)
Local Area Network(DE)
Online Kingdom (DE)
Tribal Gaming International (RS)
The Elder Gods (RO)
CNB-Gaming (BR)

Warcraft 3 TFT:

Grubby (NL)
Thomas (DK)
HolyHuman (US)
Thorzan (SE)
VeryB1gman (KZ)
Satini (FI)
Xlord (DE)
p1nke (HR)
Vortix (ES)

Quake Live:

DaHanG (US)
K1llsen (DE)
Stermy (IT)
Noctis (AT)
Sl1p (ES)
Dem0n (BE)


Bergie (NO)
gaLLo (DE)
Moriah (PT)
Tamarillo (NL)
PeZi (AT)
Fruit (AT)
HotSwat (IE)
Munkeholm (DK)

Street Fighter IV:

Jwong (US)
Marn (US)
infiltration (KR)
Zak (UK)
prodigal son (UK)
Chasin (NL)

Guitar Hero 5:

smokyprogg (US)
Boyke (NL)
lilirock (CA)
TestTeam (KR)
KD Cypher (DE)
Chaos Legend (SG)
Sestevez (MX)
PoPoX (AT)

Need For Speed:Shift:

HuSKy (DE)
Sliver (DE)
Speed (BR)
Steffan (NL)
Minus (CA)

According to the ESWC website:

Those selected teams and players will have to confirm their presence and provide to ESWC Organizing Committee their travel justification before

ESWC will provide complimentary accommodation (bed and breakfast) from June 30th (arrival) to July 5th (departure). All invited players and teams will have to set their journey and secure their travel before June 11th at

More information regarding this announcement can be found at the ESWC Official Site

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