Twixz Interviewed by Gotfrag

Our very own compLexity Black World of Warcraft player Mike "Twixz" Shane sat down with Gotfrag to discuss the upcoming 2010 MLG Pro Circuit Columbus event, which is scheduled to kick off this Friday, June 4th. Below is an excerpt of the interview.

What are your expectations for Columbus? Do you feel coL.Black is fully prepared for all the comp variations coming in?

coL.Twixz: My expectations for Columbus are the same as they have been from the 1st event we ever attended. I don't think anyone goes there to lose or to just "hang out". We all want to win, and if that isn't an expectation of every team in attendance then something is wrong. I feel we are prepared for the comp variations as much as we can be, there is only so much you can do. Comp variations is part of the game so I think it's something once again everyone should prepare for.

Do you feel there is one specific team you are out to compete with or may give you some trouble in Columbus?

coL.Twixz: I don't feel there is one specific team out there to compete with or that might give us trouble, but one team I'm always looking forward to seeing is former Button Bashers team, Loaded. There's just something about them and there style gets me pumped for the weekend. I'm looking forward to the new lineup they have and "what" they may run.

You can read the rest of the interview with coL.Twixz here.

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