This is a two phase fight. You start by fighting Signe and Kyra. When either of these hits 15%, a third boss drops down, Skyja, who has significantly higher HP than the other two. Activating Skyja is the beginning of Phase 2.
Phase 1
Unending Strike
Tank smack, deals 51k Physical damage
Also applies a 10% increased damage taken debuff, stacking
ALSO hits the entire raid with Repeating Slash
This deals 5k Physical damage, PER application of the stacking debuff on the tank who was hit with Unending Strike
Formless Mass
Creates a small blob add that has to be killed
Casts Siphon Vitality, which leeches 12k Shadow from every player & heals the add for the same amount
Can be interrupted
Wings of Rage
At 100 energy, Kyra sucks everyone towards her for 7s
At the end of the 7s, she does a big smash within 10 yards
Deals 49k Physical + stuns for 10s
Song of Dissolution
Channeled ability, ticks every 1.5s for 6s
Each tick applies a stacking debuff to the whole raid
Deals 1600 Shadow per second for 5s, per stack
Each stack refreshes duration
Soulful Blast
Casted ability at the tank, deals 25k Shadow damage
Reverberating Refrain
At 100 energy, pushes all players away for 7s
After the 7s, she explodes and deals 49k Shadow to all players FURTHER than 10 yards from her, and also fears anyone hit for 6s
Val’kyr Stuffs
While you fight the first two bosses, the third will call down adds to cast abilities at you
These happen one at a time, spread out over time
Agatha’s Eternal Blade
Several lines appear, and shortly afterwards Val’kyr fly down the lines. Being hit deals 51k Physical damage & knocks you back
Daschla’s Mighty Impact
Puts purple circles around a few players, 20 yards
Circles explode after a few seconds, dealing 25k Shadow to anyone within the circle
Annhylde’s Bright Aegis
Annhylde drops to the ground and puts down a massive AoE protective shield for 40. Reduces damage taken by all bosses by 90% while inside the circle
Aradne’s Falling Strike
Creates several small soak circles around the room
After 8s, the soak circles explode
Deals 14k Shadow damage to anyone in the soak circle
If any circle is NOT soaked, the whole raid takes 29k Shadow damage
Brynja’s Mournful Dirge
Puts small 5 yard circles on several players
Affected players take 2500 Shadow per second for 6s
When the circles expire, they explode and deal 27k Shadow damage to anyone hit, except the person who actually had that circle
Arthura’s Crushing Gaze
Picks a random player & puts a 10 yard circle around them
After 8s, slams into that player, dealing 124k Frost damage, divided evenly among everyone hit
End of Phase
When either Kyra or Signe reaches 15% HP, Skyja activates, and you move into Phase 2
Phase 2
Both Kyra and Signe continue using all their abilities until they each respectively die
All of the Val’kyr stuff continues happening
Fragments of Destiny
Puts a debuff on several random people. Deals 3k Frost damage every second. In testing, there were 3 debuffs out.
Dispellable, but no duration
When dispelled, jumps to the next closest player
If all 3 of the debuffs jump onto the same player, they all disappear and instead leave a puddle of ice on the ground
Puddle is 10 yards wide, deals 10k Frost per second & slows you by 50% while standing in it
Word of Recall
Cast every roughly 1:15 after Skyja activates
Causes all previous Val’kyr abilities to be re-cast
Link Essence
Links several players together
If any linked player takes damage, 60% of that amount will be split evenly to the remaining linked players
Ex - one player in the link takes 10k damage. 6k damage will be split between the other linked players
Pierce Soul
Big tank smack, deals 62k Physical damage
Also reduces movement speed and healing received by 10%. Stacks
Applies a raid-wide DoT for 12 seconds
Ticks for 3700 Shadow damage every second
Phase 1
You’ll want to stack Kyra and Signe on each other for cleave damage, just off-center of the room. Give plenty of room to spread as needed
Tanks should swap when Kyra’s tank has 3 stacks of Repeating Slash
Or more, if your healers really want to pad
When a Formless Mass spawns, everyone should hardswap and burn ASAP.
Interrupt every cast, do not let any get off
Interrupt Signe’s Song of Dissolution ASAP, unless again your healers are begging you to let them pad. Gotta get that Rank 1 parse somehow
Interrupt Soulful Blast as much as possible. This is a much lower priority than the Formless Mass casts or Song of Dissolution.
When Wings of Rage is cast by Kyra, run away from the circle. When Reverberating Refrain is cast by Signe, run TO Signe and have a dance party in that circle
Keep an eye on timers for when Val’kyr are coming. Dodge lines, soak the small purple circles, spread out with big purple circles, move bosses out of the giant shield zone, move away if you have small white circles
Most important one here is the Crushing Gaze. If you’re the target run into melee
If you don’t have at least 4 people in melee, you’ll need some ranged to come in as well to help soak
Nuke these two down fast, and try to get them to both reach 15% HP as close as possible. As soon as one reaches 15%, Skyja activates
Phase 2
Pop Bloodlust when Skyja activates
Alternatively, if you’re struggling to keep up with all the mechanics coming in from the Val’kyr later in the encounter, you could save lust for the last ~30% HP
Prioritize finishing off Kyra and Signe, so you don’t hafta deal with their abilities anymore
Continue handling all the Val’kyr stuff. Soaks, dodges, etc.
As far as Skyja is concerned, the biggest deal is Fragments of Destiny
You’ll want to assign a starting spot somewhere near the edge of the room
Use this as the drop point for the first set of Fragments
You’ll need to dispel the debuff and bounce it to people. Have one assigned person without the debuff stand directly on the marker. All 3 people with the debuff should stand around this person, then have healers dispel all 3 debuffs in quick succession
It may take a few pulls for some people to learn proper positioning here, but shouldn’t be too bad
Do it right and it essentially negates the mechanic
Just make sure to always have a marker down for the assigned person who’ll get all 3, and have it be near the edge of the room
See image below, the icons with blue outlines are the ones with the fragments, the player on Orange is going to get all 3 when they’re dispelled, leaving a puddle behind
Healers will need to keep a close eye on Link Essence players, so none of them die.
If your GM gets the Link Essence, your healers should band together as a council and ensure nobody heals them
Tanks will want to swap after every 1-2 Pierce Souls
You’ll want to use some type of throughput CD for Resentment, to keep the raid stable
This phase can get pretty hectic. Between having the Fragments going out, lines to dodge, circles to soak, people needing to spread, needing to move the boss out of the shield circle, etc. Things start to ramp up as Skyja casts Word of Recall, and after her 2nd cast of it you basically have mechanics coming out non-stop
Keep your cool, focus on each thing going on, and nuke down the boss