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Hi Fallen, could you introduce yourself to the members of the community who may not be too familiar with you?
My names Eric and I'm from Albany NY. I am currently studying Criminal Justice and Political Science at SUNY Plattsburgh and I should be graduating in May with two Bachelor degrees. After I graduate I'm either going to Korea for a year to teach English or going to law school and studying at Syracuse Law. I've also been in the Army for four and a half years.
How do you feel about StarCraft II and the growth of eSports?
Well I enjoy SC2 as a game but I was a hardcore BW player, so the game is a bit stale for me (at least up to this point). I feel like the SC2 has a limitation on skill cap because of all the built in mechanics. I do love SC2 though because of the amount of exposure and growth it has seen since it came out. I feel like SC2 is going to be the game that makes "gaming" much more acceptable in society because somebody can watch it and understand it on some level. It has potential more than any other game to be broadcast on American TV and be understood to a degree.
What has been your favorite moment regarding StarCraft II up to this point (be it something you where involved in or something you saw)?
Fallen: One of my favorite moments so far was seeing Hero win Dreamhack Winter 2011 and get the amazing roaring cheer from the crowd afterward. Being a bit of a Hero fanboy, it was awesome to see him win a major tournament because he had so many doubters before that. Also, my friend came over and we made a bit of an event out of it by watching all the championship day matches and betting on various matches to make it really fun to watch.
Now that we've gotten to know you as a player, lets start on some Academy questions. How do you feel heading into the MLG qualifiers next week?
If you had asked me that question about a week ago I'd say extremely confident. Right now, my confidence in PvZ is a bit shaken and PvP is always a bit of an experiment. I am hoping that in the next week I can iron out some of my PvZ problems and give a really good showing. I will definitely place better than I have in the past, that much I am confident of.
Who do you feel is the biggest competition for you in the academy?
My biggest competition is without a doubt any of the Zergs. Obviously Nocreativity won the last event and I'm pretty thankful goswser got promoted out of the Academy because that's one less Zerg to have to face. Brobocop always proves to be good competition as well, so hopefully I don't get many or any Zergs in my path :D
Well Eric we wish you the best of luck in the qualifier, is there anything you would like to add?
I'd like to thank compLexity and all of its sponsors for the opportunity! I look forward to meeting everybody who attends at MLG Columbus next month! :)
For anyone who wants to check out Fallen's gameplay you can download his replay pack here: