TriMaster to Korea

Today we're happy to announce that coL.SC2's Joshua "TriMaster" Niven leaves for Korea tomorrow for a three month stay.

While there he will be engaging in a rigorous bootcamp with our friends and partners, Team MVP, in order to build his skills and further develop his Terran strategies for 2012.

Trimaster said, "I'm super excited to have the opportunity to live the Korean dream. I'm very grateful to everyone in compLexity and Team MVP. I'm going to work extremely hard and try my best to become a better player in order to make our fans proud."

Jason Lake, Founder and CEO of compLexity, said "We're thrilled to send Josh to train in Korea. We've always believed in nurturing home grown talent whenever possible. After making a solid appearance at MLG Raleigh TriMaster struggled to improve his game due to a demanding work schedule. We're hoping this time to focus exclusively on StarCraft will enable him to take his game to the next level. "

Stay tuned to the site as TriMaster will be filming his journey and checking in with weekly video updates.

Thanks as always for your support!

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