In Mythic, if someone is pulled within 4 yards of the Domination Arrow they’re connected to, the arrow now explodes and kills anyone within 30 yards
When you get connected to a Domination Arrow, you also gain 1 stack of Woe
If you get connected to an Arrow, and ALREADY had a stack of Woe, you explode and deal 1300 damage to the raid, per stack of Woe you previously had
The DominationArrows now always spawn in set locations
The swirlies will drop, and you can select players to stand near the swirlies
The closest player to each swirlie will be selected to be targeted by the DominationArrow spawning there
Black Arrow
When a Black Arrow is shot and hits its target, 2 Dark Sentinel adds spawn
These adds each fixate a target & chase them down
Every 4.5s, they gain a stack of Rage
Increases damage dealt by 10%, and reduces effectiveness of slows by 20%
Black Arrow now gives Sylvanas a stack after each time it’s cast
Each stack causes an additional player to be targeted on subsequent Black Arrow casts
Each stack ALSO causes an additional Dark Sentinel to spawn
This means cast 1 of Black Arrow affects 1 player, and makes 2 Sentinels
Cast 2 will affect 2 players, and create 6 Sentinels total
Cast 3 will affect 3 players, and create 12 Sentinels total
When Sylvanas hits 84% HP you enter the intermission
Here, she’ll spawn 19 swirlies for Domination Arrows, meaning your entire raid except 1 person will get hit
The swirlies are in set locations again here
Once the arrows spawn, basically all the Woe stacks on your raid will explode. There’s 24 previous stacks to this point, so the explosion will be massive
Instead of a single line each cast like in heroic, there’ll be 5 lines for each cast
The lines will be parallel to each other, with safe spots in between
Each line drops swirlies to dodge
You’ll get 9 sets of lines
After set 9 of the lines, you’ll have the Banshee’s Wail like on heroic, then the cinematic that hopefully you’re skipping, then Stage 2
Stage 2
The major change here is that the raid needs to split up twice
Leaving from Platform 1, half the raid goes left with Jaina, half the raid goes right with Thrall
Each side moves to their own next platform, and needs to deal with adds
Each side will have 2 Mawforged adds to deal with
Left gets a Souljudge and a Goliath
Right gets a Summoner and a Goliath
If at any point, a Mawforged add does not have anyone on their platform, they cast Hymn of the End, dealing 2700 Shadow to the raid every second
Once each side has defeated their adds, Jaina and Thrall will make a bridge to Platform 4, where the entire raid will meet back up & get to DPS Sylvanas for 40 seconds
After the 40s is up, the raid splits up again, with half going left half going right
On the Left side new platform, there’s a Mythic-Only add
Mawforged Colossus
Frontal cone ability at the tank, deals 38k Shadowstrike damage
Also increases damage taken by subsequent casts of Filth by 30% for 30s, stacking
Puts a circle around 2 random players on the Colossus’s platform
Each circle acts like a meteor ability, dealing 88k split evenly among everyone hit
Each circle deals damage twice, 3 seconds after application and then another 3 seconds later
The left side will only have the Colossus, no other adds
The right side has a Souljudge and a Summoner
Once both sides kill their adds, new bridges for to Platform 7, where you’ll meet up again and get 40 seconds to burn Sylvanas
Stage 3
Banshee’s Blades
Sylvanas will sometimes replace Banshee’s Heartseeker with Banshee’s Blades
This will do 4 total attacks over 1.5 seconds
Each attack does 7k Physical and 19k Shadow, so combined before mitigation, 28k Physical and 76k Shadow damage over 1.5 seconds
Soak circles appear on the platform you’re currently fighting on that explode after a few seconds
If any circles go unsoaked, the raid wipes
These only occur on Platforms 2 and 3, and will happen twice on each of those platforms
There’ll be 2 circles each time on Platform 2, and 4 circles each time on Platform 3
Death Knives
These work a bit differently on mythic
Instead of starting at the boss, and having a bunch of lines shooting out from her, they instead will start from 3 random players
Lines will form from all 3 targeted players, and after 4 seconds, Knives will be thrown down every line
Anyone hit will explode, applying a DoT to anyone within 3 yards
DoT ticks for 19k Shadow per second for 9 seconds
Having someone fail this will almost certainly kill people
Comp - 2 tanks, 4 healers & 14 DPS
Stage 1
Windrunner and Veil of Darkness are handled like in heroic - don’t stand in bad things. Simple as that. Move out of swirlies for Windrunner, and out of the giant circle for Veil
Tanks need to make sure they have Active Mitigation up for Ranger’s Heartseeker. It hurts like hell on mythic, and some classes of tanks have a tendency to go splat (*cries in prot paladin*)
Domination Arrows
Handling these properly is really the key. The location of the Arrows is set on mythic, see images below:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Since the locations are pre-set, and the Arrows will always target the closest available players, you can choose who gets targeted each time
The entire raid should be stacked directly between the two Arrow locations
Your raid leader call out who should be targeted, focusing on players with stacks of Barbed Arrow
Remember, being targeted by the Domination Arrow’s chain will remove any stacks you have of Barbed Arrow, so by prioritizing these people for Domination Arrows you’ll remove a large amount of DoT damage on the raid throughout the phase
These assigned players should move ~5 yards closer to their assigned set of arrows, either right or left. This way, the assigned people are positioned to be closer than the rest of the raid, ensuring they’ll be the ones targeted
Once the Arrows actually come out, blow them up ASAP
For Black Arrow, if you’re targeted, make sure you run to the edge
The second and third casts of Black Arrow, the impact explosions for the additional targets will be about 3 seconds apart
You should ensure all targets run to roughly the same spot, so the adds are grouped up
As the adds spawn, throw slows on all of them and all DPS should swap ASAP
These things melee extremely hard, so if one reaches its target, that player is likely to go splat
These are grippable, can be knocked back, can be stunned, etc, so use whatever tools you can to keep them from reaching the raid while you nuke them down
The final set is the hardest, being that there’s 12 of them. We recommend absolutely ensuring you have at least 1 knockback for this group
One thing we found helpful was Ring of Frost to help get them grouped up, then a knockback or Ring of Peace
All DPS should be hard swapping to the final set, these things absolutely need to die ASAP
As the boss’s HP gets closer to 84%, hold back a bit. To help things line up later in the fight, you want to push right after the Veil of Darkness Sylvanas starts casting at 3:15
In the image below, each purple circle is the location of some Domination Arrows, and how many are at that location. The STAR is our recommended stack point for the raid
The entire raid should be stacked tightly on Star, and you should pop 2+ DR CDs, like Barrier, AMZ, or Devo Aura. The initial explosion from the Woe stacks is massive, so failure to properly mitigate the damage will result in deaths and likely a wipe
Once the initial explosions are complete, there’s still a massive amount of damage going out from the ticking damage the raid takes being connected by a chain
Healers need to continue pumping hard, and will likely want a throughput CD here
The DPS should blow up the Arrows as quickly as possible, or eventually the healers will fall behind and people will die
As you’re finishing the Arrows, Rive casts will start
This is pretty straightforward, don’t eat a giant freaking missile to the face, don’t stand in swirlies
When all 9 Rives have gone out, she’ll do a Banshee’s Wail, just spread out and wait for the intermission to end
Stage 2
You will want some group assignments set up for Stage 2
For the first time the raid splits, just have 10 people go each side
1 tank, 2 healers, and 7 DPS per side
For the second raid split, the people going Left will be fighting the Colossus, which is pure single target
As such, send 9 people over - 1 tank, 2 healers and 6 dps
Have your best single target DPS go left, folks like Boomkins
Everyone else goes right
As you begin the stage, you’ll split up with group 1 going left, group 2 going right, running to platforms 2 and 3, respectively
Focus DPS on the big Mawforged adds, with cleave damage killing the Mawsworn
The smaller Mawsworn can still kill you when they do their overhead smash. Don’t get bonked by that
You will have Sylvanas casting Veil of Darkness periodically throughout Stage 2. Make sure to move out of the circles - DO NOT GET HIT
Not really much else to say about these two platforms. Don’t use CDs on this platform, you’ll need them for the second set of add platforms
As you’re running both TO this set of platforms, and FROM this set to Platform #4, the boss will be shooting Haunting Waves at you from various points
Don’t get hit by these unless absolutely necessary. The damage from the DoT creates unnecessary stress on your healers
After the adds on Platforms 2 and 3 die, you’ll run down the new bridges and meet up as a raid on Platform 4, where you get 40 seconds to burn Sylvanas
Do not use DPS CDs here
Make sure you don’t forget to interrupt Ruin as you arrive, or you’ll wipe
About 10 seconds after engaging Sylvanas here, she’ll throw out another Haunting Wave cast, don’t get hit. Just sidestep these
About 18 seconds in, she’ll disappear and cast Veil of Darkness
Everyone in the raid should stack near where Sylvanas started
Have a Warlock Gateway going from that point, further up the platform
As soon as the Veil circles appear on the ground, the raid should take the Gateway to get out of the circles
About 38 seconds in, you’ll get another Haunting Wave
This is followed almost immediately by the boss going immune and casting Banshee’s Wail. Spread out, don’t overlap circles
While you’re spreading for circles, you should be running up the platform, towards where the next 2 bridges spawn
As the next bridges spawn, you’ll split up again. The Single-target focused Colossus team goes left, the rest of the raid goes right
All DPS should pop their CDs on their platforms here, and annihilate the adds as quickly as possible
On the right-hand side, you have a Souljudge and a Summoner
Blowing up Orbs is absolute #1 priority for DPS, they need to die as quickly as possible to reduce their explosion damage
Healers will want to use a CD for the second set of orbs as they explode
There’s a lot of damage going out on this side, so healers really need to be dialed in. The group here should be helping however they can
On the Colossus side, you’ll have two meteor circles out at a time
To help counter this, we recommend everyone stand in melee range with the tank. This way, the meteor damage is split between all 9 players on the side, making it reliably healable
Tank needs to ensure they move and turn the boss away during the Filth cast. DO NOT HIT THE RAID WITH THIS
As you’re DPSing your adds, the boss will cast Veil of Darkness, so ensure you move out of the circle
Once all the adds die, each side gets a new bridge to Platform 7, with another Sylvanas burn waiting for you
Dodge the Haunting Waves on the way
Don’t forget to interrupt Ruin
You’ll have the same abilities as the first burn from earlier, on the same timers
Use a Gateway for Veil of Darkness, dodge Haunting Waves, nuke the boss
After 40 seconds the boss goes immune again and casts Banshee’s Wail. Just spread out, don’t overlap circles. Onto Stage 3
Stage 3
Stage 3 is completely scripted, so you can pre-plan just about everything. The abilities used on each platform actually slightly differ, so we’ll just go through the progression of abilities
Platform 1
First up is a set of Banshee’s Bane puddles, cast about 5 seconds into the platform
In general, anytime there are puddles on the ground, your tanks should run over them and pick them up
Dealing with a DoT on a tank is much less harmful than losing area on a small platform
About 12 seconds in, you’ll get a Veil of Darkness
Pre-spread when this is about 3 seconds away from being cast, make absolutely sure you aren’t standing too close to someone else
3 people will be targeted and hit by Veil
As soon as the debuffs go out, everyone should collapse into melee to spread the stacks out, and healers should pump through the absorbs to clear the debuffs
If you do this correctly, you’ll just end up with 18 players each having 1 stack, which is fairly easy to heal through
About 26 seconds in, the boss will cast Banshee’s Fury
When the final tick of this cast goes off, nobody can have stacks of Banshee’s bane or you wipe
To deal with this, as the ability is being cast, your tanks should run to corners of the platform, opposite of the side you’ll be jumping off when the Raze happens later
As soon as the tank gets to the corner, call for a dispel, and a healer should dispel ASAP
This’ll plop the puddles down in the corner, and the tank needs to run back to the group quickly to avoid picking a stack back up
You should also have a priest cast Mass Dispel, timed so the cast finishes about ½ a second before the Banshee’s Fury finishes. This is a nice last-ditch effort you can make to help ensure there’s no stacks on the raid
You’ll always want a healer CD for Banshee’s Fury
About 32 seconds into Platform 1, the boss casts Raze
Anyone that happens to have a Banshee’s Bane debuff at this point should call for a dispel before jumping, to keep the puddle on the old platform
Milk DPS on Sylvanas as much as possible before jumping
Platform 2
Immediately upon landing, the boss casts Wailing Arrow
As in heroic, these explode a few seconds apart, so the targets should line up and hop over to the next platform about 3 seconds before exploding, land, get exploded, then jump back
A tank will always be one of the 3 targets
When this tank lands on the next platform, they should run through the whole platform and pick up every single Banshee’s Bane puddles, then jump back to the platform the rest of the raid is on
12 seconds into this platform, Death Knives go out
The knives themselves shoot 3 seconds after the lines appear
The 3 targets each have 1 second to move, then THEY SHOULD PLANT THEMSELVES STILL
Priority with moving is to just make sure you aren’t on top of another target
Once the targets plant, everyone else needs to move to a safe spot. Do not get hit by a Knife, or it’ll likely cause a wipe
18 seconds in, she’ll cast Banshee’s Scream
Same thing as Banshee’s Wail. Circles on the entire raid, just spread out
Circles deal damage after 5 seconds
Stay spread out even after the circles go away
About 28 seconds in (about 5 seconds after the circles explode) the boss casts Veil of Darkness. Since you stayed spread out, this is easy
Wait for the debuffs to hit the targets, then collapse on melee
As soon as Veil actually hits the targets, about 32 seconds in, two soak circles appear
Make damn sure these get soaked or you wipe
About 46 seconds into Platform 2, the boss casts Banshee’s Fury
As before, have the tanks drop stacks in the corners
Anyone else with stacks should also run to the side and get dispelled. Make absolutely sure nobody has a stack when the last tick goes off
Use a healer CD to keep the raid stable
Banshee’s bane puddles go out at 56 seconds into the platform. Tank should just run and pick them up
At a minute and 6 seconds into the platform, a second set of Death Knives goes out.
As the Knives actually shoot, another set of Wailing Arrows starts going out. Wait for the Knives, then start jumping
At about a minute and 15 seconds, two more soak circles come out, get them soaked
At a minute and 26 seconds, another Veil of Darkness goes out, so get spread
At a minute and 36 seconds, the boss starts to cast Raze
Get every Banshee’s Bane DoT dispelled, get all the puddles on this platform so you don’t have to worry about them
Milk milk milk, jump at the last second
Platform 3
Right after you land, the boss will cast Banshee’s Fury, so stack under her and pop a healer CD
At 15 seconds in, you’ll get Death Knives
At 24 seconds, you’ll get a Banshee’s Scream, so spread out
Right after the Scream circles explode, at about 30 seconds in, 4 soak circles spawn. Make damn sure all 4 get soaked
At 35 seconds, Veil of Darkness occurs
At the exact same time, targets start being selected for Wailing Arrow
Spread & deal with the Veil first, then people should start jumping as necessary for Wailing Arrow
At 50 seconds in, the boss casts Banshee’s Bane, making a bunch of new puddles
10 seconds later, at 1 minute in, the boss casts Banshee’s Fury
Your tanks should set up and get dispelled basically as the Banshee’s Bane is going out
If there are any NEW puddles in the way of the raid stacking, your tanks will need to pick them up as quickly as possible, then get to the corner and call for a dispel.
At 1 minute, the Banshee’s Fury cast starts. Remember to pop a healer CD
At a minute 10 in, more Death Knives
At a minute 15 seconds in, overlapping with the end of the Death Knives, you’ll get 4 more soak circles. Make damn sure you don’t miss any, or the raid leader’s hair will go gray
At a minute 33, the boss casts Veil of Darkness
By this point, most of the platform will be covered in puddles. Your tanks will need to run around and pick up as many puddles as possible, so the raid has room to spread out
This means the tanks are going to be taking a huge amount of damage from so many stacks of the Banshee’s Bane DoT, so healers need to keep them healthy
As soon as the Veil hits, the tanks should get to the corners and get dispelled ASAP
Immediately following Veil, the boss will cast Raze. Milk as long as possible, then jump
Platform 4
As you’re landing on Platform 4, Wailing Arrows start coming out.
This kind of sucks, as you don’t have another platform to take them to
To counter this, the entire raid should stack in the back-right corner from where you landed
Set up a Warlock Gateway towards the exact opposite corner
For the players with Wailing Arrow, when you’re 2 seconds from exploding, click the Gateway
As soon as you explode, start running back to the group
Repeat this for all 3 people
About 20 seconds after landing on Platform 4, the boss casts Banshee’s Fury
At the same time, Death Knives go out
This means you cannot just stack in the middle
Spread for the Death Knives, make sure nobody gets hit
You’ll want everyone to use a defensive here
As the Banshee’s Fury damage is ticking out, use a health stone or health pot, or a self heal, whatever necessary to stay alive
You’ll also want a healer to use a throughput CD here
At 30 seconds in, the boss casts Banshee’s Scream, so make sure you’re spread out
Immediately following the Scream circles exploding, Banshee’s Bane puddles spawn. As always it starts as swirlies, so the puddles themselves appear at about 40 seconds in
At 45 seconds in, the boss casts Veil of Darkness
Because of this overlap, your tank won’t be able to pick up puddles before the Veil. This gets really tight, so watch your feet and be spread as best you can
As soon as the Veil hits, stack up in melee range
Pop Bloodlust here and absolutely bomb into the boss
A minute and 5 seconds in, Wailing Arrows come out again.
Have your tanks clear puddles on opposite side corners
Move the boss to one corner, put a Gateway down to the opposite corner
At a minute 1 and 15 seconds, you get Death Knives
These overlap with the Wailing Arrows
People with Arrows still need to be taking the gateway away
People targeted by Knives need to spread a bit, leaving safe space near the boss for the rest of the raid
Healers should pop at least 1 raid CD here, the Wailing Arrow damage freaking hurts
Use a Wind Rush Totem or Stampeding Roar here if possible, just to help with the Knife targets moving
At a minute and 25 seconds in, the boss casts Banshee’s Fury
Your tanks will need dispelled in the corners before the final tick goes off
From here it’s a race - immediately after the Banshee’s Fury, the boss casts Raze. Kill the boss before you all die from the Raze