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Pandemic has been without a Counter-Strike 1.6 team for some time, essentially since the fall of the CGS. As other players made their returns to the game, and other organizations materialized, many wondered when and if a Pandemic team would ever grace an HLTV again.
Now, team Pandemic has returned to the Counter-Strike 1.6 scene, by picking up some very well known players. They have the following roster: Mason “mason” Dickens
Mikey “Method” So
Travis “tuBBy” Bechtol
Alex “millipede” Abbott
Dustin “dizzaman” Dilyerd
An excerpt from the Pandemic news release:
Pandemic.CS will be competing in ESEA-I and CEVO-P, the country's two most prominent online leagues, and plans to attend all major American LANs and world championship qualifiers. Their season begins tomorrow night, December 9th, against MoB Gaming.