Sound Blaster Facebook Contest

Today compLexity Gaming and Creative are excited to announce our next contest! This event will run for the next four weeks and is a Sound Blaster Facebook contest. As we move into 2010 we will be holding more contests on Facebook and will be releasing exclusive insider sneak peaks via our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Be sure to subscribe to both to stay updated on all the action!

The event is easy to enter. Simply join the Creative Sound Blaster and compLexity Gaming Facebook pages and post at least 1 comment each week. We will randomly choose a winner who is subscribed to both pages and posts a comment on each during that week. Each Saturday for the next four weeks we will announce a winner.


The winners will receive the compLexity Edition Sound Blaster Arena Headset which retails for $99.99.

Thanks as always for your loyal support! Enjoy the contest!

(Limit 1 prize per person. Void where prohibited. Prizes will be delivered 4-6 weeks after the contest ends. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc and is in no way affiliated or involved with this contest.)

compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (contest!) entertainment!

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