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Blizzard has just recently opened registration for the 2010 arena tournament. Over $200,000 is up for grabs in prize money, this looks to be one of the most competitive arena tournaments to date. The realms do not officially go live until the 27th of April. Below is an excerpt from Blizzard's FAQ:
What is the 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament?
The 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament is a competition based on the Arena System in World of Warcraft. All teams participating in the tournament will be competing on regional tournament realms -- separate from the live realms -- for a spot to play at the live events and win prizes. In addition, there is a registration fee to join. This specialized format provides a means for high-level players to face off in an intensely competitive environment that emphasizes strategy, skill, and execution over all other elements of play.
The tournament will consist of one regional qualifier, followed by the regional finals. Winners of the regional finals will be invited to compete in a global championship. The cash prize package for this tournament, including prizes awarded at the regional finals and world championship, amounts to more than $200,000.
What is the format for this year’s Arena Tournament?
Participating players will gain access to our dedicated tournament realms and be able to create up to three level-80 characters per registered account. This special realm will allow players to fully customize tournament characters with some of the best items available in the game. We will continue to use the 3v3 Arena format for this year's competition. Please note that the standard 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 Arena season games will continue as normal on the live realms and will not be interrupted by this tournament.
What are some special features of this year’s Arena Tournament?
Customizable level 80 character templates with gear from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Tournament vendors have been updated with some of the best items available in Northrend.
Players can earn the exclusive Armored Murloc pet for their live characters.
Players can earn the exclusive “Vanquisher” title for their live characters over level 71.
Cash prizes totaling over $200,000.
More information regarding this year's TR can be found at