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Over two years ago, compLexity Gaming embarked on a journey to the warm Hearth in the Blizzard Inn. Since then we’ve fostered some of the most accomplished players in the game, while also building up our stable of personalities in the digital card game success. Now it’s time to add a new face to the mix - we are proud to introduce Tyler ‘tylerootd’ Hoang Nguyen as the newest member of our streaming team.
Over the last nine months Tyler has put his career on the backburner and focused on becoming a full-time streamer for Hearthstone. As a player and person he is the embodiment of what the compLexity Gaming organization was built on, as he exemplifies a great work ethic as well as the passion to focus all energy on achieving a goal. In his relatively short stint in the Hearthstone community, he’s already managed to make an impact and grow his stream’s viewership to a considerable size. Now he will continue his growth under the compLexity banner alongside fellow streaming stars Asmodai, Neviilz, Ryzen, and Noxious.
“About a month ago I mentioned on my stream: If compLexity would ever approach me I would join them in a heartbeat. Fast forward one month I am now part of compLexity, which is something I never expected to happen so soon. I know most of the guys from coL pretty well, so it really feels like I'm joining a new family here. I'm looking forward to my time with coL and hope to make them proud!”
- Tyler 'Tylerootd' Hoang Nguyen - @tylerootd
Tyler will not just represent coL on stream starting soon, but he will also be repping the black and red at a LAN event in Belgium this weekend, as he races fellow Hearthstone players Mitsuhide, a4papier and TicTac to the Legend ranks of the new season. So make sure to follow Tyler on and on Twitter @tylerootd to be up-to-date with his activites and streaming!