Who Are Gamers?

There was an interesting survey conducted recently by Penny Arcade that 38,000 people responded to about who gamer are. The survey looked into different gamer demographics to get a consensus about what kind of games people play, internet connection, game genres, and much more. One of the most interesting facts that the survey found was the boy and girl split of 94% boys to 6% girls took the survey. Also another noticable fact was that 86% of these gamers game on a PC, while the Xbox 360 seemed to be the hottest of the consoles.

Below are some of the stats that were taken from the survey.

Average Game Library Collection: 73

Average Gaming Hours/Week:

Average Household Income: $66,000

Average Games Purchased/Month: 2

Game Genres Played:

- RPGs: 89.7%
- FPS': 79.0%
- Platformers: 63.3%
- RTS': 59.9%
- Turn Based Strat: 56.0%
- Tabletop/CCG: 40.0%
- Simulations: 37.7%
- Web Based: 37.5%
- Driving/Racing: 31.4%
- 2D Fighters: 29.9%
- Shooters: 29.0%
- 3D Fighters: 28.0%
- Sports Games: 14.7%
- Flight Sims: 10.5%

Phone Usage:
- Non-Smartphone: 65%
- iPhones: 15.7%
- Blackberries: 7.9%
- Windows Mobile Device: 6.9%
- gPhone: 2.9%
- Treo: 1.5%

Sites that get visited over twice a week:
- Penny Arcade: 96.1%
- Kotaku: 22.5%
- Joystiq: 12.1%
- Wired Blog: 10.3%
- IGN: 9.5%
- Gamespot: 7.1%
- 1up: 5.2%
- Destructoid: 2.6%
- Gamespy: 2.6%
- Gamepolitics: 2.2%
- GamesRadar: 1.3%

You an check out the rest of the stats by clicking here.

Source: Kotaku

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