ESNation, MYM Bankrupt

ESNation, the company behind MYM and other projects, has closed its doors and released all its employees

In shocking news, ESNation, the company behind Meet Your Makers and has closed its doors. All employees were released including senior management. ESNation A/S, previously known as Regroup Esports A/S was founded by Mark Peter "Mercy" Fries in 2001.

All operations of the company ESNation A/S have been ceased and all employees including the executive management have been released ultimo February 2009.

We are working on possible scenarios to uphold and continue operations of various ESNation brands, such as, and more.

There will soon be appointed a lawyer who you can contact for inquiries, until then please be patient.

Mr. Fries was apparently alluding to this news on March 15th, when he had this to say in his personal blog:

I got time on my hands and for a change that doesn’t mean time for my own projects, but for yours, that is if you need it.

So if you could need:

A professional and experienced board member
A freelance project manager
A business blog on your site
A chaos pilot to fix things

Or help with marketing, sales, organizational structure, the business plan, financial challenges/budgets, investors, venture capital, outsourcing and the likes, then I might be your man for the job.

Famous eSports coverage staffer Luis "Miraa" Mira has shared his thoughts about the situation via his blog, alledging that he was never paid for his services and was mislead during his time with

Up until this day, I haven't received one penny for my work at MYM, something I never imagined to be possible in an organisation that had boasted to be the richest in the business.

The truth is: the CS team's contract expired at the end of February and their situation isn't much different from mine and, by the looks of it, I guess they will join another organisation.

I doubt I will ever get what I am entitled to and this is just to prove that, as I said in my article "
I fear for eSports", this is such a young and naive busines... I don't know if I will move with legal actions against ESNation, probably not, most likely because I would spend more than I could get.

I just hope that whoever reads this gets this message as a wake-up call and sees that there is still so much to change in eSports...

This, of course, also means many gamers are now without jobs. MYM.cs, the former PGS squad and two time champion of ESWC are now without a home. According to, the players haven't been paid for the past two months.


pl Filip "NEo" Kubski
pl Wiktor "TaZ" Wojtas
pl Mariusz "loord" Cybulski
pl Lukas "LUq" Wnek
pl Jakub "Kuben" Gurczyński

Sources:, Miraa blog, , FriesPort

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