compLex Strategies, Episode 2 with Minigun

UPDATE: Unfortunately coL.Minigun wasn't able to make it to today's episode of compLex Strategies, stay tuned!

Today at 6:00pm EDT, compLexity shoutcaster Samsc2 will be hosting the second episode of his new show compLex Strategies. Featuring compLexity's star Protoss player Chad "Minigun" Jones, this episode will highlight properly executing builds, map specific strategies, and reacting to your opponents strategies accordingly.

In order to watch, just tune into Samsc2's stream - Today, Oct. 31st at 3:00 PM PDT / 6:00 PM EDT! If you can't watch the show live, don't fret. The VOD will be saved on

Please tune into every broadcast you can and let us know what you think. We at compLexity believe very strongly in growing American StarCraft II talent. A large part of growing this talent is getting these players names out in the community. Thanks to the hard work of Samsc2, we feel like we're on the right track. That said, there's always room for improvement, so let us know what you think and what we can improve on.

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