Filipino Champ Wins UMvC3 at North West Majors V

This past weekend compLexity's Filipino Champ flew out to Des Moins, WA for the North West Majors fighting game tournament. We at compLexity are pleased to report that Filipino Champ won the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 tournament.

On his path to victory Champ had to take on some major players in the fighting game community including: 1truking, @huey253, SRKUW|Darryn, and KaneBlueRiverCL. If you missed out on the action you can watch Filipino Champ's run on TeamKhaos's channel.

Congratulations to Filipino Champ for his fantastic victory. With his on screen persona and amazing results, there's no question as to why he is such a force in the fighting game community.

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