coL.COD Announces Changes

Today compLexity Gaming is announcing a roster change for our Call of Duty: Black Ops squad.

Damon "FeaRs" Abney will be departing. FeaRs was instrumental in our 1st place Frag Cup IV title and our 2nd place at UMG Chicago. We'd like to thank him for his hard work and wish him the very best in the future.

In his place we are happy to announce that we have signed Aaron "TuQuick" Chang, formerly of Fariko. We're confident Aaron's strong play will enable the squad to reach new heights in 2013 and we are excited to have him on board.

coL.COD captain Patrick "Aches" Price had the following to say about the change:

I've always been a strong advocate for keeping rosters together to better chemistry, but when chemistry is being affected, something needs to be done. With the release of FeaRs and the addition of TuQuick I feel like our attitude and hunger to win is back to top notch. Looking forward to continuing in 2013 with our new 4th.

Welcome TuQuick here!

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