Welcome coL.Shootmania!

Today compLexity Gaming is happy to announce our newest game and the return of old friends to the Syndicate family. We are pleased to announce Shootmania, the new first-person shooter from Ubisoft and Nadeo (makers of TrackMania).

coL.Shootmania will feature:

  • Daniel "Carnage" Sturdivant (formerly of coL.TF2) - Twitter
  • Erik "DaBears" Stromberg (formerly of coL.cs) - Twitter
  • Griffin "Griffin" Kistler (newcomer)

The squad's first event will be IPL 5 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Formerly known as Asphyxia, the guys won the fourth qualifier by beating Less is More 2-0, Third Coast 3-2, and Fierce 3-0. You can learn more about IPL 5 and Shootmania HERE and watch the live event HERE.

Welcome coL.Shootmania here!

compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and entertainment!

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