You’ll clear a floor of Torghast on your way to the boss, complete with Anima powers
Make sure 2-3 people get the Anima power “Ever-Beating Heart”
Tank boss near middle of room
Overpower is a big tank smash, tank swap after each one
Remnant of Forgotten Torments makes a soak circle on the ground in one of 3 flavors
Each flavor does a raid-wide effect. Upper-Reaches Might increases the raid’s Physical damage taken, Mort’regar’s Echoes increases the raid’s Magic damage taken, Soulforge Heat is a raid-wide DoT
Soaking the circle reduces the potency of the raid-wide effect, but puts that same effect on the player soaking as a 1.5 minute debuff
Have 2 people help soak each, clear the circles ASAP
Players with Predator’s Howl need to stay 5 yards away from people, and healers should dispel this
Healers need to keep people with Grasp of Death alive, it ticks hard
Chains of Eternity will throw a giant chain at a marked player. Chain hits the first person it comes in contact with, stunning them & pulling them to the boss. If they reach the boss, they die. Have a player with “Ever-Beating Heart” Anima Power soak this, they don’t get stunned
Hungering Mist is the boss’s signature ability, basically a dance. Creates several images of itself, they put down mist, mist explodes. Run to the safe spot. Repeat several times.
Sooth or Tranq Shot the boss when he uses Fury of the Ages
At 10%, boss casts Jailer’s Gaze, removes all Anima Powers from the raid, boss starts dealing 500% increased damage, no other abilities
3 phase fight. You’ll alternate between P1 and P2 two times. After the 3rd P2, you enter P3
There’s harpoons in the top corners of the crescent shape room. Clicking the harpoon yeets you across the open area
Piercing Lens is basically the boss’s melee attack
Deathlink shoots a lazer at the tank, also deals splash damage to anyone nearby. Don’t stand on the tank
Eye Bolt is basically just random damage on the raid
Dodge the Fracture Soul swirlies. If you fail, run over the 3 images of yourself you see ASAP
Annihilating Glare is a giant ass spinning lazer beam that does a 360. Run from the beam, use the harpoon pile to lob yourself across the room to stay ahead of the lazer
When a player is targeted by Dragging Chains, they should run to a marker near the center of the room. 5-6 people should run there as well to help soak. They all get chained & dragged towards the edge. More soakers = weaker pull.
Then add drops down. Kill the add. Tank swap after 3 stacks of Assailing Lance from the add.
P2 triggers at 66% and 33% HP
2 Deathseeker Eyes spawn, one on each point of the crescent
Tank these 30+ yards away, or you wipe
Kill within 8 seconds of each other, or you wipe
Dispel Slothful Corruption debuff when it comes out
Drop Spreading Misery puddles at the far edges of the platform
When the eyes die, you re-enter P1
P3 triggers after the 2nd p2 ends
Boss retains all the same abilities as P1, but attacks 50% faster
Also now does ticking damage every 10s, increasing in power
2 Phase fight. P1 is against 2 big Val’kyr – Kyra and Signe, P2 triggers when either of the first two bosses hits 15%. 3rd, much larger Val’kyr – Skyja.
Tank Kyra & Signe on each other
Tanks swap in p1 when the Kyra tank has 3 stacks of the debuff
Kill the blob when it comes out, and interrupt its cast
Interrupt both of Signe’s abilities
At 100 energy, Kyra and Signe each have a special ability
Kyra – pulls everyone towards hurt, then explodes on anyone within 10 yards
Signe – pushes everyone away from her, then explodes on anyone further than 10 yards
Run away from Kyra, run to Signe
Bring them both to 15% at the same time
Skyja comes when either hits 15%
Lust when she comes down
Finish off first 2 bosses, then nuke Skyja
Tanks need to swap at 3 stacks of Pierce Soul
Healers may want to CD for Resentment
Fragments of Destiny are sets of 3 permanent debuffs that can be dispelled. Dispelling makes it jump to the closest player. Having all 3 debuffs on the same person makes them disappear, and drop a puddle
Have a marker near the edge of the room
Have assigned person on the marker
Stand in a triangle around the assigned person, dispel all 3 debuffs on that person
This’ll make them disappear, and puts the puddle wherever you chose the marker
There’s also 6 Val’Kyr add abilities throughout the fight. One is lines to dodge, one is large purple circles for people to spread with, one is some soak circles on the ground that need soaked, one is tiny circles on several players that just need to spread out, one is a massive meteor-style circle for split damage that needs soaking, and the last puts a ground-based shield you have to move the bosses out of
These occur progressively more frequently the longer the encounter goes
Boss’s armor Shatters off at 80%, 60%, and 30%. Causes raid-wide AoE damage
Players with Malevolence need to run to edge of room & be dispelled. This debuff being removed knocks back everyone in the raid, and leaves a puddle. Make sure if you are the one being dispelled, your back is to the center, or you get knocked off
Dodge the super obvious Grasp of Malice lines
Aura of Spite ticks the entire encounter, just heal through it
Dodge the Spite swirlies when they come out
Orb of Torment adds spawn sometimes, take 99% reduced damage
Boss does a lazer called Suffering. If this hits an Orb of Torment, it’ll make the orb take full damage. Tanks make sure to hit the orbs with the lazer
Then DPS swaps and kills orb
Someone then has to pick up the orb, walk it to the edge, and lob it off the side
Tanks need to swap after a Suffering cast
Bloodlust either on pull or 30%, whatever works best for you
Boss’s energy slowly ticks down. When it hits 0, he starts chaincasting Purging Protocol, deals massive damage & ramps each cast
Having boss near an Energy Core regens his energy, and interrupts Purging Protocol casts
Once an Energy Core has been drained, it explodes and disappears
While boss is gaining energy, the Core ticks for heavy AoE damage. Small circle around the Core takes 85% reduced damage from the AoE, so everyone stack in the small circle around the Core
It’s explosion deals massive damage, so move out to avoid explosion
Start with boss not near any Cores, bring towards a Core after he runs out of energy & casts Purging protocol twice
Rinse & repeat this with the remaining two Cores
Dodge Disintegration lines
Players with Threat Neutralization need to move away from everyone else
Run away from the Form Sentry floating orbs. These are just kinda annoying, but do not stand in the circle under them
Tanks need to swap halfway through the Elimination Pattern
3 Stage fight, Stage 2 is basically an intermission. Intermission occurs at 70% and 40%. After first intermission, return to Stage 1. After second intermission, go to Stage 3.
Stage 1
Tank with Invoke Destiny needs to run away from the raid for when it explodes
Raid needs to kill the add that spawns, if you’re fixated don’t let it reach you
Blow up the smaller adds that spawn after the first add dies
Don’t get hit by the Fated Conjecture lazer beams
Players with Call of Eternity need to run to edges of room to drop the debuff. When debuff expires, leaves an orb on the ground
All old orbs explode every time Call of Eternity debuffs expire
Don’t be standing near orbs
Stage 2
Boss takes 99% reduced damage, you have 40 seconds to complete the intermission
Raid takes ticking damage the entire intermission, and little adds spawn that you just need to kill & interrupt
Also dodge little floating orbs that’ll be moving around
The 6 rings on the ground activate and reorganize themselves
Each ring gets 1 blue target (left), and 1 blue Rune (right)
Several players get Empowered, and when empowered people stand on a ring it spins
Odd # of empowered players on ring = clockwise
Even # of players = counterclockwise
Need to get the Rune onto its target spot
Once you get all 6 runes done, you complete the intermission
Failure to complete within 40s = wipe
Stage 3
Lust immediately
Boss actives several rings at a time throughout this phase, same number of players get empowered
Same rules for spinning, odd = clockwise, even = counterclockwise
Clear the runes ASAP, you only have 30 seconds in Stage 3, or you wipe
Boss also retains all P1 abilities, gets pretty hectic