A Letter to the Fans: Gaming Paradise

September 7th, 2015

Dear Fans,

After all the drama that has gone on with the Gaming Paradise event, I want to be transparent and clear about what went on, at least from the team’s side of things. For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Kyle ‘Beef’ Bautista, and I’m the General Manager of compLexity Gaming, as well as the primary manager of the coL.DOTA team. As with most things of this nature, I can only provide one perspective of the situation, though mine is corroborated by many of the other managers and teams, but ultimately I am not able to see exactly what went on behind the organizer’s closed doors.

My first contact with The Gaming Resorts was on August 20th. I reached out to a guy named Marko (Baja) about invites to the event, as my team was interested in attending. Marko responded to me near immediately and let me know that they had been full, but Empire had cancelled that morning, so we were in luck. I was let know immediately that since we were an American team they would not be able to book flights for us, but they would be able to provide a stipend that would be able to help. They would be able to provide accommodation (one “luxury” apartment), travel to and from the airport (we would fly into Venice and take a 90 minute drive), meals throughout the event, and a €2,000 travel stipend.

Now, prior to reaching out I had my doubts about this event, going as far as to tell my team that it was a scam, and wasn’t worth looking into. However, they really wanted to attend and Marko had been helpful enough. I reached out to some of the other managers that should have been attending to get their experience, and see if flights had been booked. Unanimously they all came back that flights had not yet been booked, but they were supposed to be very soon. Kelly (Alliance) remarked that they were not committed and were concerned about the legitimacy of the event. I reached out to Flipside Tactics, who had a CSGO team participate in The Gaming Resorts CS:GO Qualifier in June. Their manager remarked that despite a power outage causing some event delays, the players and management had a wonderful experience with the staff, and would instantly participate again if given the opportunity – a big boost in confidence.

I talked with Marko again and was provided a personalized video of the residences where we would be staying, as well as pictures of the resort area and venue. Ultimately after discussing with my team, owners, and Marko, we accepted conditionally based upon a number of factors. We would be provided a €3,000 travel stipend, we would not announce our participation until we had received the stipend, we would not book flights until we received the stipend, we would receive the stipend by Monday the 24th, we would be allotted two apartments instead of one, and we would be granted the right to change our roster if needed. This was quickly agreed to, and I was introduced to a man named Sasa (Bulic) – AKA John Smith.

Now Marko was warm, friendly, responsive (even at 3am for him). Sasa was cold, difficult, and at times rude. Sasa is the man in charge. The one that cuts the checks and runs bookings. He confirmed they would pay the invoice for our stipend by Monday. When I asked about flights for the other teams I was told that they were doing them day by day as their Visa had a €3,000 daily limit. CS:GO teams were being taken care of first, but DOTA teams were going to be taken care of soon after. Now that was a bit unusual, but frankly there were quite a few unusual things going on. Ultimately, if they were going to pay a €3,000 stipend to have our team at the event and there were other teams with flights being booked, I was convinced that things were legit enough to make it work. We moved forward.

We finally got the invoice paid on Wednesday the 26th and booked flights immediately, totalling around $5,800, so around $2,400 out of pocket. I let the other teams know that our stipend had been paid, and that helped to quell some apprehension. I checked repeatedly with other teams as well as Marko about flights, and day after day there was no progress. Marko and I talked frequently about team suggestions for invites as 4CL and 4ASC had their invites revoked due to roster changes and Alliance had dropped out. Marko was always willing to help, stating that all flights would be done soon, but Sasa was the man with the money, and he was what was holding things back.

With the event quickly approaching, I joked with my team that the CS:GO teams would be our guinea pigs. They would be at the event two days prior to our arrival (Sept 8th), so we would know if things were good or not. Unfortunately, we really ended up needing them for that testing. Just 24 hours before the event the CS:GO teams Hellraisers and CPH Wolves dropped out, seemingly unrelated, but once the teams arrived the problems started. Teams like VP were promised three hotel rooms, instead getting one bungalow, resulting in players sleeping on the floor. Mouz relayed a similar story, adding food that was anything but first class in appearance. Despite the mishaps, we were told that things would be fixed and the event would go off without a hitch.

Unfortunately, this was not the case. 24 hours before my team is scheduled to board flights  computers arrived without graphics cards (reported as a missing car with stolen computers), the internet had issues, and a fuse blew, causing the entire venue to lose power. I can’t comment on all the errors in that first day, but ultimately a 12 hour delay caused just one of the four Bo3 matches to be played. Concern was at an all time high. I began talking with CyborgMatt (Secret), who relayed some of the concerns from teams like VP and Na’VI CSGO. Teams were preparing to drop out if something wasn’t done.

We gathered the team managers in a Skype chat where we confirmed information with one another, finding out that there were eight flights booked. Six for coL (now 18 hours away), and two for VP. With teams ready to drop out I expressed that we needed to be united and decisive. My team wasn’t going to travel around the world to a tournament that wasn’t going to happen. We contacted Marko, who got back to us about an hour later (he was fixing the graphics cards for PCs at the time). We informed him that the teams were not happy about the situation, and that unless all flights were booked by 1700 CEST (11am EDT) the following day, my team would not be boarding our flight, and all teams would be withdrawing from the event.

Sasa was added to the chat and he read over the conversation, concluding that they had a few crazy days, but flights would be booked Monday, though flights would be “as normal as possible, considering budget constraints”. The delay was because the agency they use for flights is not available on the weekend. He agreed to the timeline. Later Marko confirmed that all flights would be taken care of by 17 CEST, or the event would be cancelled.

Matt was ready to drop out at that point, but he was willing to wait to see if they would somehow recover. He knew that if Secret dropped out the event would likely be cancelled, and wanted the other teams to have an opportunity at least. Unfortunately six hours later, at 0414 CEST, Sasa posted this in our Skype chat:

Dear DOTA2 Teams,

We are very sorry to announce that the DOTA 2 tournament has been cancelled. A full statement and explanation as to why this decision was made is being prepared and will be sent out by the end of Monday the 9th September. It is in our hopes that a full statement and explanation will help resolve some of the issues created and provide a basis for transparent communication and a good collaboration.

Please accept our sincerest apologies,

The event was cancelled. We all expected it at this point, but it was still a bit unreal that an event would just be cancelled like this. Fans were on the way, press had made expenditures, my players were supposed to be flying in 12 hours, and just like that, the event is cancelled. I was quickly on the phone to attempt to cancel shuttles and flights, as well as attempt to find a way to participate in the NanYang Championship Qualifiers, an event that we were previously unable to participate in due to our travel schedule.

Since then Marko has been apologetic, distancing himself from Sasa (Marko confirmed Sasa cancelled the event without even letting Marko know), while Sasa confirmed that fans would receive a refund for purchased tickets. The official statement from Gamers Paradise provided no new information, but the CS:GO event is ongoing. There continue to be delays, but reports from teams like VP CS:GO indicate the players accommodations are at least better. Top teams need to leave tomorrow for another event (ESL Dubai), and there are concerns not only about the event’s ability to finish in time, but also about paying any prizing. But, hey, they’re trying.

As far as coL.DOTA. The team is disappointed, and will be more disappointed if we’re not able to participate in the NanYang Championship. We’re back to scrimming today, and putting this behind us. Marko has asked us to invoice The Gaming Resorts for any difference in ticket cost, though I’m not especially confident that Sasa will pay that. I doubt that we’ll be attending any events put on by this organizer in the future. I hope this helps to provide some clarity as to the whole situation.

Kyle Bautista
General Manager

Last Call for BlizzCon

September 5th, 2015

The highlight of the Hearthstone competitive circuit is finally approaching – the BlizzCon World Championships. Last year it saw a young Firebat rise up from being relatively unknown, to become one of the best known and most successful players in the world. This year, he is set out to defend his title, but players from around the world will try to compete and be crowned the second Hearthstone World Champion in history.

Before the regional qualifiers kick off though, everyone with two or more points gathered throughout the season is eligible to give it one more shot: to answer the Last Call. For compLexity Gaming’s cardslingers that means business. In North America, three of the coL boys will try to make their way into the Top 16 of the bracket. Founding father Dog, Rogue specialist and streaming icon Ryzen, as well as the newest addition to the coL roster in Waffster will try their hardest to advance to the next stage.

In Europe the red and black will also be presented, as German superjj is attempting his run through the stacked qualifier. In North America only 160 people compete for the 16 spots for the next stage, while Europe is filled with more than 340 eager people looking to claim their ticket to the big opportunity that is BlizzCon and the World Championship.

The long journey to California starts today at 1 PM CEST with the European Last Call qualifier until the Top 16 clinch their spot for the Regional Qualifier. For the North American card players the tournament starts at 1 PM EDT / 10 PM PST with NA’s finest going to war in the most popular Inn. Follow our players progress on Twitter @compLexityLive, in the brackets on ESL or catch them being streamed on twitch.tv/playhearthstone (NA) or twitch.tv/thijshs / twitch.tv/radu_hs (EU).

More Information


compLexity Dota Adds wayto and MJW

September 2nd, 2015

Last week we announced on Friday that David ‘Moonmeander’ Tan and Tal ‘Fly’ Aizik had parted ways with the coL.DOTA team and the organization. Today we are proud to announce our completed roster for the upcoming season and the challenges that lie ahead.

Taking on the support role, we have none other than TI veteran and NA warrior Peter ‘wayto’ Nguyen. As one of the most experienced players in the North American scene, wayto has been part of Team Liquid, Dignitas, and most recently Mouz. He has traveled the world, played on the some of biggest stages and gathered experience and knowledge. Knowledge that he will now share with the compLexity Gaming DOTA 2 squad on their journey towards the first Major.

While wayto is a known face in the community, compLexity Gaming has always put an emphasis on talent and potential. So it is our great pleasure to introduce Michael ‘MJW’ Nguyen to the big scene as our new offlaner. He has big shoes to grow into, but both the team and organization have faith in the former Ehug player’s skills, determination,and commitment. His aggressive style and playmaking ability, coupled with a willingness to learn, adapt and work together with a brand new team in a brand new environment.

Captain of coL.DOTA Kyle ‘swindlezz’ Freedman had this to say:

“Tal and David’s departures from the team no doubt hurts our team synergy and experience in the short term. MJW and Wayto were my preferred replacements because they both have a considerable amount of room to grow, and the intense drive and willingness to try that ensures they will continue to improve, whether we win or lose. We will be a better team than we were last year. The goal I outlined when we first joined compLexity has not changed. In time I’m certain we will succeed.”

As part of the preparation for the the big upcoming events and the first major, the entire team will once more gather in the coL.DOTA team house later this week. The new coL.DOTA will play their first matches live from Portorož, Slovenia as part of the Gaming Paradise LAN, starting September 10th. Stay tuned for more info on coL.DOTA, and as always, thank you to the fans for your continued support!

compLexity Dota 2 Roster

GUIDE: Abathur – Heroes of the Storm

August 31st, 2015

by David “h0ns” Honsberger – coL.HotS

Abathur is a very in depth Hero that has come to be one of my favorites because of the numerous ways he can be played. I prefer to play him as a lane soaker / split push style in most games but this requires a ton of teamwork to pull off properly. I will explain my favorite way to play him and why it is the best choice in most games.


Level 1: Envenomed Nest

Envenomed Nest is typically my choice when doing a mine and split push style. This makes your mines do 75% more damage over 3 seconds. This actually puts a lot of pressure around the map when the enemy team is rotating around. Not only does it dismount people but it actually does a ton of damage since its buff.

Level 4: Prolific Dispersal  

Prolific Dispersal reduces the cooldown of toxic nest by 2 seconds and adds 2 more charges making it have 5. This is to put maximum vision and control around the map and of course add more mines to make enemy rotations slower. The cooldown reduction is also a great side benefit.

Level 7: Vile Nest  

Toxic Nest is what makes Abathur truly annoying for the enemy team. The 50% slow for 4 seconds on enemies hit by mines allows you to really control the movement of the enemy team as well as getting information on where most of the enemy team is. This talent is really devastating on maps like Cursed Hollow and Tomb of the Spider Queen. The only map that I do not choose this talent is on Sky Temple where most of the time Mule is needed.

Level 10: Ultimate Evolution  

Ultimate Evolution is my choice for a heroic because it can be effective when used on many different heroes. This allows Abathur to put extra power in your teams teamfight capability. This heroic used on most ranged damage can boost teamfight power by a lot. This skill was also stealth buffed last patch with a 20 second cooldown reduction.

Level 13: Bombard Strain  

Bombard strain makes your locusts have a ranged attack. This is the beginning of the Abathur split push machine.

Level 16: Locust Brood  

Locust Brood drops 3 locusts instantly at the location of Abathur. This can be used to apply split push pressure at key times during games to punish people for not cleaning it up.

Level 20: Hivemind  

Hivemind gives Abathur the ultimate teamfighting hat. This places a hat on two members of your team instead of just one and because of the recent change it will break but when someone comes in range it will rehat the closest person.


Early Game

Early game the focus should be to place mines around the map in small chokes where most people rotate through. Doing this will allow your team to setup quicker than the enemy team for most objectives because the enemy will not be able to walk through mines without getting dismounted. The mines will also put a decent amount of poke damage onto the enemies. Once you hit level 7 with Toxic Nest, this idea becomes even more devastating. Your main job in the early game is to place mines around, hat your team when needed in a lane, or to soak xp in the lane by body soaking/ symbioting minions.

Mid Game

Once you have Ultimate Evolution, the idea is to split soak lanes with your body and symbiote lanes that are not getting soak by your team. At the same time you should still be trying to place as many mines around the smaller chokes to keep the map vision, map control, and pressure. When the time comes for a teamfight or when your team wants to engage you will want to use Ultimate Evolution. Most of the time this gets used on a ranged damage like Valla, Zeratul, or someone that is high priority.

Late Game

The late game is where you are the most active. You want to be using your dig to move around the map where you can be away from the enemy team to apply locust pressure. This is where you can use Locust Brood and your massive bombardment of ranged locusts to apply crazy split push. Once you hit 20 and acquire Hivemind, you want to be wary of the times to use your clone. The double symbiote can be extremely powerful in a teamfight so you either want to use Ultimate Evolution to put out as much damage as possible quickly and die or wait to clone a bit during the fight after you have put some damage poke with the double symbiote.

Abathur has a weaker early game but when paired right with a solid team comp he can be a force to deal with while being quite a safe hero.

coL.QXC @ Red Bull Battle Grounds – Archon Playoffs

August 30th, 2015

compLexity Starcraft’s Kevin “qxc” Riley is in Santa Monica, California for the Red Bull Battle Grounds Archon Mode Playoffs! The six online-qualified duos will join two show match winners to battle LIVE at the Red Bull eSports Studio in Santa Monica this weekend.

These eight teams will begin the Playoffs with three “chances” in the unique Red Bull LIVES format. Competing teams will issue Best-of-Three challenges in qualifier-decided order, where the winning team of every challenge is awarded a bounty for each match won. Losing a match means losing a life; losing all three lives means being eliminated from the competition.

Watch as the best Archon Mode teams from around the world fight their way to the Grand Finals in Washington, DC on September 19th, 2015.




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coL.Waffster @ ONOG Summer Circuit PAX Finals

August 29th, 2015

Beginning today, compLexity Hearthstone’s Robert ‘Waffster’ Myers is in Seattle, Washington where he will compete with some of the toughest cardslingers from North America, Europe and even Asia for a grand prize of $25,000 USD and a total of 230 Hearthstone World Championship points towards the BlizzCon World Championship tournament. From the North American standings, talented player Nostam accompanies the coL youngster, while Europe is represented by Danish Viagame Cup #2 winner Hoej and Taiwanesse player tom60229. Along with those four weekly warriors, four feature tournament winners will be battling for the ONOG Summer Circuit title. Waffster will especially want a shot at redemption against Ukrainian superstar Kolento, after he was defeated by him in the Grand Finals of the first feature tournament. That victory gave Kolento a direct ticket to PAX, leaving Waffster out to fight for a spot on a weekly basis. Along with Kolento, TSM player Trump, Illuminati player Dart and Russian Team Empire player Pavel will all be attending PAX Prime to attempt to become the Summer Circuit champ.


  • 1st – $10,000
  • 2nd – $5,000
  • 3rd – $1,500
  • 4th – $1,500


  • All matches will be played in the Conquest format.
  • Group matches will be best of five. Playoff matches will be played in a best of seven. Players will submit three decks for the group stage as well as a fourth deck for the playoff stage.
  • The group stage will be played in a double elimination (GSL-style) format. The top two players from each group will advance to the playoffs.
  • The playoffs will be played in a single elimination format in a best of seven.



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compLexity CS:GO 2015

August 24th, 2015

Today everyone at compLexity Gaming is thrilled to announce that we are making our return to the game that gave birth to our organization 12 years ago. “The Syndicate” is returning to Counter-Strike!

“We couldn’t be happier to be back in CS:GO,” said Jason Lake, Founder and CEO of compLexity Gaming.  “Our love for the franchise is what lead to compLexity’s formation and we’re humbled and honored to be a part of the game once again.  We’re also very excited to announce our new roster and eager to tackle the challenges ahead.  Everyone involved understands that the division will be a work in progress, but developing talent and building champions are areas in which we excel.  With the return of Matt “Warden” Dickens to the compLexity family, expectations are high.  Dedication, passion, time and patience will lead to big trophies.  Bank on it.”

Meet compLexity CSGO

“We cannot properly express our excitement for this opportunity to represent compLexity,” said Soham “Valens” Chowdhury.  “From the storied beginning as a Counter-Strike organization to the now multi-gaming powerhouse that is coL, this gaming family has nurtured some of the best talent. We are humbled by coL’s past success and are hungry to live up to the expectations of coL fans.  With all the necessary tools at our disposal, it is a matter of time before the all too familiar success comes back to coL.cs.  Shoutout to Jason Lake and Jason Bass for believing in us and making it possible for us to live out our passion.  I speak for everybody on the team when I say it’s good to be home.”

Thank you as always for your support.  We sincerely appreciate it and will be working harder than ever to earn it.

coL.Waffster Qualifies for PAX Prime

August 19th, 2015

Only a few weeks after the compLexity Gaming Dota 2 squad made their way to Seattle in order to compete in the biggest eSports event to date, The International 5, another coL warrior will be heading to the big city in the North West of America. Newest addition to the coL.Hearthstone squad Robert ‘Waffster’ Myers successfully qualified for a spot at the upcoming PAX Prime event, the ONOG Summer Circuit powered by GEICO.

It took him more than 15 minutes to qualify, as Waffster showed his determination and long-term commitment to the tournament in an array of online qualifiers. With good results throughout, the young coL.Hearthstone recruit gathered valuable GEICO points in order to have a shot at the coveted LAN spot at PAX. The boost of winning the second qualifier in North America and then placing second in the first featured tournament was instrumental in helping Waffster over the hump. In the final week, a Top 8 finish in the last qualifier was enough to put him on top of the North American standings and therefore right on a plane to Seattle-Tacoma Airport.

In Seattle, he will compete with some of the toughest cardslingers from North America, Europe and even Asia for a grand prize of $25,000 USD and a total of 230 Hearthstone World Championship points towards the BlizzCon World Championship tournament. From the North American standings, talented player Nostam accompanies the coL youngster, while Europe is represented by Danish Viagame Cup #2 winner Hoej and Taiwanesse player tom60229. Along with those four weekly warriors, four feature tournament winners will be battling for the ONOG Summer Circuit title. Waffster will especially want a shot at redemption against Ukrainian superstar Kolento, after he was defeated by him in the Grand Finals of the first feature tournament. That victory gave Kolento a direct ticket to PAX, leaving Waffster out to fight for a spot on a weekly basis. Along with Kolento, TSM player Trump, Illuminati player Dart and Russian Team Empire player Pavel will all be attending PAX Prime to attempt to become the Summer Circuit champ.

The whole show starts on August 28th with the Grand Finals being scheduled for August 30th. Send our young Waffster your support on Twitter @coL_Waffster and tune in to his stream on Twitch.tv to catch him prepare for the milestone event in his young Hearthstone career.

Art by PantsoGR

coL.HotS in ESL Heroes Major League Season 3

August 13th, 2015

The ESL Heroes Major League Season 3 is underway and coL.HotS is making there way through the group stage. The event features 24 of the world’s best Heroes of the Storm teams, separated into 4 groups, 2 for each of the regional group stages (US and EU). Players are competing for a prize pot valued at $10,000 for each region.


Group Stage — July 7 – TBD
— All matches are Bo3.
— Top 2 of each Group qualify for Playoffs

Playoff — TBD
— Double Elimination Bracket
— All matches are Bo5.


  • 1. $5,000
  • 2. $3,000
  • 3. $1,500
  • 4. $500



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compLexity @ The International 2015

August 5th, 2015

With a prize pool of over $17 million, The International 2015 is the largest tournament to ever take place in eSports, breaking the record held by its previous iteration, The International 2014, which accumulated $10.93 million. The majority of this sum is collected through several in-game items released by Valve, including the The International Compendium 2015, a digital book tied to the event, and which comes with many activities and cosmetic items.

compLexity managed to qualify for the event by winning the American Regional Qualifier. The team now gets to bypass the wildcard event and be seeded directly into the main event that begins on the 27th.

Click here to view our Official TI5 Gallery

Event Information


  • Open Qualifiers – May 16th – 17th
  • Qualifiers – May 25th – June 1st
  • Wild Card – July 26th
  • Group Stage – July 27th – 30th
  • Main Event – August 3rd – 8th
  • 1st – $6,297,089.76
  • 2nd – $2,711,246.98
  • 3rd – $2,099,029.92
  • 4th – $1,486,812.86
  • 5th-6th – $1,136,974.54
  • 7th-8th – $787,136.22
  • 9th-12th – $209,902.992
  • 13th-16th – $52,475.748

Group A

Group B

  • Cloud9
  • Fnatic
  • compLexity Gaming
  • Natus Vincere
  • LGD Gaming
  • Invictus Gaming
  • Team Secret
  • MVP Phoenix
  • Newbee
  • Team Empire
  • Virtus Pro
  • Vici Gaming
  • MVP HOT6ix
  • Evil Geniuses
  • CDEC Gaming


Lower Bracket

Upper Bracket

Group Stage


Dota Wiki Tournament Results


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